We have expert team in latest technologies such as-
PHP framework CodeIgniter 3.0 and 4.0 and Laravel 9.0 & 10.3, DOT NET core, Angular, Mysql databases, NVME Cloud Server etc.
We Manage Out Sourcing & Tech support services on average nationwide cost $5-15 per hour. The cost of tech support depends on how long the repair or support takes, because many pros charge per hour.
Our Skills
We love conversations, and would love to have one with you! Whether you’re looking for a speaker, an awesome career, or want to get started with a rewards program, we would love hear from you. We work on the latest technologies such as.....
php framework 100%
HTML 5 and CSS 3 90%
JavaScript 75%
CodeIgniter (CI) 90%
Laravel 90%
Dot Net Code and Angular 75%